Exhaust Systems
When it comes to exhaust systems, appearance and function are both equally important for some. Your exhaust system is mounted to the bottom of your vehicle, so it takes a lot of abuse from potholes and rough roads. Your exhaust system stands a lot.
The reason why an exhaust system is so important, it's because exhaust gas is poisonous. Exhaust gas contains many pollutants, however CO is a poisonous gas. You don't want it getting in the passenger compartment, and that's why as we all know, you should never run your engine in a garage that is closed. If you can smell the exhaust gas while driving, this means that you might have a leak somewhere in the exhaust system, and you may be putting yourself and others in your car at risk. Like most car parts, exhausts and catalytic converters eventually wear out and must be replaced. It is important to keep the fuel system clean and replace your air filter.